
Off Balance

Off Balance, Wellness

Water – Wiser

By: Melissa Baird I met the Japanese author and researcher; a natural “scientist” Dr Maseru Emoto in 2008, the same year I launched Life in Balance , South Africa’s first conscious-consumer, lifestyle publication. His research in to the power of…

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Off Balance

The Essential Ingredient : Love

  Comfort food means something different for each individual but what is commonly shared are the quality of the memories a meal cooked and served with love evokes. They are never to be forgotten and continually abundant. Mine is my…

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Off Balance


  January has flown past and what a month for weather, for work, for life and for love. No category proved to offer what was at first promised and overall the one word I can use to sum up the…

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Off Balance

The heart of the matter

I was visiting a good friend the other day and he was in an upset state about what he believed was the ‘loss of heart’ in worldly matters. What a big concept ‘worldly matters’ is but it got me thinking…

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Off Balance, Wonder

Manu – the frog

It was a typical Cape Town winter’s morning, dark with some rain and Dr Miaow – the intrepid cat who lives with me – had been on his early morning (pre-dawn) jaunt. I heard him call and knew the sound…

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Off Balance


Recycling By: Mel Walking along the seashore today I observed flocks of sea birds, some of whom I recognise and a few others I don’t. The wind was blowing and they were facing the direction of the wind, head on,…

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Off Balance

The Green Conundrum

By: Mel I’ve been out and about this week meeting interesting people from the world of “Sustainability”. Generally a very pro-active collection of thought leaders and scientists, engineers, consumer activists and the heads of brands who hold the keys to…

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Off Balance

Washing up woes

Water By: Mel Who would have thought a simple domestic chore could turn into the cauldron of contention? I remember once asking a friend (we took turns washing up) whether they would mind rinsing them afterwards as I noticed that…

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Off Balance

Straws and things

Plastic pollution By: Mel I had lunch with the head of the Plastics Federation last week and listened to him discuss innovations in plastics that will revolutionise the health industry. For better and worse we live in a world where…

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Off Balance

Brands looking ahead

Climate crisis By: Mel News from the upcoming Climate Change Talks due to be held in Cancun at the end of the year is that there is a lacklustre response from the 179 nations invited and key players- think China…

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Off Balance

Building Mania

By: Mel I think all builders should be charged a noise pollution and botheration tax and the money be shared amongst the residents of the neighbourhood, who have had their peace and calm utterly shattered. I chose my flat because…

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Off Balance

The End of the Line

By: Mel I went to a press briefing about the soon to be released documentary feature film called The End of The Line. There were a number of sceptical journalists present at the breakfast but after the half hour of…

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Off Balance


By: Mel News in the world of pet remedies is the creation of a product that helps induce a sense of wellbeing and calm in domestic cats. Stress and strain affect our animals, be it in the form of loud…

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Off Balance

Oily issue

By: Mel A whole lot of chemicals and surfectants have been used and in almost as big a quantity as the ‘spill’ it was used to treat. Certain underground environmental activists were already highlighting the dangers of these chemicals when…

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Off Balance

GM woes

By: Mel A freezing north wester wind is blowing and I’m contemplating Spring and the portent of new life. The lovely seedlings I planted over the weekend – including beans, peas, lettuce and basil are looking woeful and burnt and…

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Off Balance

Pause for thought

By: LIB editor I was shown an interesting site a few days ago that draws statistical information from a variety of big agencies worldwide . Despite its hilarious name the information that you are able to view – in…

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Off Balance

From pieces to peace

By: LIB editor Goals,goals, goals. Personal goals, party goals and environmental goals and amidst all the fanfare and the predictions of an oracle octopus where to next? I had the pleasure of meeting a man who has been a political…

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