In the heart of a township, a remarkable transformation story unfolds—a testament to resilience, community, and sustainable growth. Once known as Zama Zama’s, engaging in the precarious and often perilous task of illegal mining, a group of indomitable individuals has turned a new leaf, embracing agriculture to secure a healthier, more sustainable future for themselves and their children.

by Steve Monty

The transition from illegal miners to successful farmers wasn’t easy. It required courage, determination, and an unwavering belief in the possibility of change. Thanks to the initiative and support of UCanGrow, these former Zama Zama are now proud farmers, cultivating hope and harvesting success.
What makes this story even more inspiring is the involvement of the farmers’ children. These young minds are growing up with an appreciation for the land, understanding the value of hard work, and seeing first-hand the fruits of sustainable living. This generational empowerment is a beacon of hope, ensuring the longevity of their community’s success.
The transformation of this township is a powerful reminder of what can be achieved when individuals come together, supported by initiatives like UCanGrow, to create positive change. It’s a story of overcoming adversity, embracing change, and building a sustainable future—not just for themselves, but for generations to come.

To the UCanGrow farmers and your wonderful children: your journey from Zama Zama to thriving agriculturalists is not just a transformation—it’s a powerful inspiration to us all. Well done!