Methods and practices of healing vary greatly among the world’s colourful tapestry of different cultures; however there are accepted universal beliefs that certain things will have an impact on particular ailments that manifest themselves physically or psychologically. For example, exercise is a widely acknowledged cure to a blue mood, bed rest can help improve the symptoms of a cold and no one can dispute that nature is a good remedy to lift one’s spirit. Often we forget that something very simple can make a big difference, even if not for us, then for someone else. This is an important aspect that underlines the successful work done by an award winning Cape Town NGO that has been running for more than 12 years- SEED.
Along with addressing issues such as food security, education about the environment and community wellbeing, SEED dedicates their time to the youth and the building of a green economy. This element of their organization focuses on training unemployed youths in permaculture practices through an applied permaculture training course, which is a level four programme (equivalent to a final year of school or matric) that accommodates youth who may have dropped out of school or who may have completed school but still have no opportunity to access further education and training opportunities.
Permaculture, in essence is the development of agricultural ecosystems intended to be sustainable and self-sufficient. The idea behind this is that participants who complete the course will be more desirable candidates to employ in various environmental fields, as well as learning the skills that could help them potentially start their own greening businesses.
For more information on SEED or the permaculture course, please visit: