Imagine making something beautiful, selling it and using all – yes, all – of the profits to make others’ lives better. Meet Milkwood. The team behind this amazing initiative based in Cape Town shares their story, which we think is truly inspiring.

editor-4_300x235We care about the integrity of wood. A lot. Our products are all made from reclaimed wood and when each piece arrives at the Milkshed its destiny is determined not by some preplanned design but rather by its unique character. This process is facilitated by a team of talented individuals who transform the wood into something truly special.

Following this bout of design and handcrafted magic our furniture is sold to its new owner via our online shop. It’s at this point that things really get exciting and the reason being is that every cent of profit, that’s right, every cent, from the sale of each item is channeled into doing good.

We decided on ‘Something Good’ as a collective name for our projects, which range from fixing up a dilapidated school on the outskirts of Cathcart to making life a little easier for Mrs Zonde by supplying her with much-needed plastic gloves so she can continue her home-based care in rural Mandeni.

Our main aim is to change perceptions about giving; to show the high impact value that a combination of small changes can have.

Just so you know, we’re not a bunch of hippies (not that we have a problem with hippies) out to save the world. We’re regular people with day jobs and that’s how we can afford to channel all the profits.
Milkshed is a registered Non-Profit organization.

For more information and to see more of Milkshed’s gorgeous products visit them on Facebook, Twitter and their website, where you can also sign up for their newsletter.